09/11/2009 06:19


 Water Fountain Benefits

  Brings you better HEALTH

Because modern lives have made us all busy with so many things with so little time, we end up stressed, confused and unable to cope with all the demands. The stress level of city living is high and a simple tabletop fountain can help to relieve stress by the negative ions that it produces. Negative ions clean the air around us making it fresh and refreshing.

RELAX your mind and body

People are always drawn to water. It's the fountain of life and all of us are held captivated by the sound of water coming from a fountain. It helps us to relax and enjoy nature. People would even attest that they felt like being transported from one place to another like walking in the forest. The soothing sound of the trickling water from the tabletop fountain mimics the natural sound of waterfalls and therefore helps to sooth the soul.

Reduce negative IONS

In today's electronically guided world, there are plenty of devices around that emit negative ions. Negative ions attract airborne impurities like dust. Running water attracts negative ions and many people believe that it cleans and purifies the air around the water fountain.


NOISE Filtering


Water fountain can filter the noise in our home or office. The hum of home appliances, telephone and television sometimes drowns us and make us feel tired. The white noise that comes from the water fountain on the other hand is known to give comforting effects.


The gentle soothing sound of flowing water can also help you relax and meditate in your bedroom after a hard day’s work;




Fountains humidify the indoor air, especially if your home or workplace is dry due to continual air-conditioning. This is extremely helpful in preventing your skin from drying out.




Water fountains play a significant role in aesthetic and balance in design; Water Fountains can be considered “works of art”. You will find that a lot of big corporations would have water fountains incorporated in their buildings and offices. It's a statement of taste and elegance and one you can easily recreate with the use of a tabletop fountain. It’s smaller and would fit into any size of house.



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